Start Doing (Sold/Exited) is an online consulting firm specifically focusing on helping young internet start-ups and companies succeed. Start Doing Business hosts websites, designs websites, offers full-stack web development and coding services, designs logos, helps with CRM set-ups such as Infusionsoft and Shopify, and provides hands-on, 1-on-1 consulting services to help market new brands and companies. Perhaps our most famous success story is The RooSport. The RooSport is an attachable magnetic pocket or a magnetic running pocket. ( Through Start Doing Business’s leadership and expertise, The RooSport has become an internationally-recognized brand with 7 figure gross revenue each year. Start Doing Business designed the website, designed all of the marketing videos, assets, and logos, hosts the website, raised $115,000 in less than 45 days on the crowdfunding website, Kickstarter, for the new product, and assisted in setting up prototyping and manufacturing to massively grow and scale this product to both local and international markets.